Das aktuelle Google-Doodle vom 27. September 2016 steht unter dem Motto:
„U.S. National Voter Registration Day Reminder!“
Hier gibt es die Google-Top-100 zum Suchbegriff How to register to vote, jeweils stündlich zur halben Stunde aktualisiert und ein Ranking-Diagramm.
(mindestens 3 Zeichen)
Die Top-100 für How to register to vote am 27. September 2016 um 02:30 Uhr
1 | [■] vote.usa.gov/ |
2 | [■] www.usa.gov/register-to-vote |
3 | [■] www.votetexas.gov/register-to-vote/ |
4.1 | [■] www.cnet.com/news/google-doodle-voter-registration-day-tool/ |
4.2 | [■] time.com/4502154/voter-registration-history/ |
4.3 | [■] www.ktvb.com/news/politics/ele...can-register-to-vote/326343964 |
5 | [■] registertovote.ca.gov/ |
6 | [■] www.elections.ny.gov/votingregister.html |
7 | [■] www.usvotefoundation.org/vote/...gistration-absentee-voting.htm |
8 | [■] www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr/ |
9 | [■] registertovote.sos.ga.gov/ |
10 | [■] www.headcount.org/registertovote/ |
11 | [■] ova.elections.il.gov/ |
12 | [■] www.cnet.com/news/google-doodle-voter-registration-day-tool/ |
13 | [■] register.rockthevote.com/ |
14 | [■] www.pavoterservices.state.pa.u...erregistrationapplication.aspx |
15 | [■] www.elections.virginia.gov/registration/how-to-register/ |
16 | [■] www.canivote.org/ |
17 | [■] vote.minneapolismn.gov/voters/register |
18 | [■] dos.myflorida.com/elections/fo...te-or-update-your-information/ |
19 | [■] searchengineland.com/register-...-voter-registration-day-259620 |
20 | [■] www.michigan.gov/sos/0,1607,7-...633_8716_8726_47669---,00.html |
21 | [■] mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/voterr...ion/voterregistrationmain.aspx |
22 | [■] time.com/4502154/voter-registration-history/ |
23 | [■] time.com/4506506/snapchat-voter-registration/ |
24 | [■] registertovote.org/ |
25 | [■] www.cnn.com/2016/08/14/politic...-every-us-state-and-territory/ |
26 | [■] www.lavote.net/home/voting-ele...tion/register-to-vote/register |
27 | [■] info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/ovr/start.aspx |
28 | [■] www.ocvote.com/registration/register-to-vote/ |
29 | [■] secure.utah.gov/voterreg/ |
30 | [■] www.alabamavotes.gov/getregform.aspx?m=voters |
31 | [■] www.iwillvote.com/ |
32 | [■] secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/register.do |
33 | [■] www.azsos.gov/elections/voting...your-current-voter-information |
34 | [■] www.romper.com/p/how-to-regist...-vote-using-text-message-19076 |
35 | [■] sos.tn.gov/products/elections/register-vote |
36 | [■] teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/ |
37 | [■] www.sos.state.co.us/voter-mobile |
38 | [■] www.refinery29.com/2016/09/124355/register-vote-snapchat |
39 | [■] nvsos.gov/sosvoterservices/registration/step1.aspx |
40 | [■] portal.sos.state.nm.us/ovr/webpages/instructionsstep1.aspx |
41 | [■] www.dmv.org/ny-new-york/voter-registration.php |
42 | [■] mashable.com/2016/09/26/-google-doodle-vote/ |
43 | [■] www.sdvote.com/content/rov/en/registration.html |
44 | [■] www.sos.state.oh.us/elections/voters/register.aspx |
45 | [■] www.votespa.com/portal/server....jmgr&parentid=1&mode=2 |
46 | [■] www.govotecolorado.com/ |
47 | [■] olvr.hawaii.gov/ |
48 | [■] www.nebraska.gov/apps-sos-voter-registration/ |
49 | [■] www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/voter/reqvr.shtml |
50 | [■] voterregistration.ct.gov/ |
51 | [■] weiapplets.sos.wa.gov/myvote/ |
52 | [■] www.ncsbe.gov/voter-info |
53 | [■] ivote.de.gov/ |
54 | [■] voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/onlinevoterregistration/ |
55 | [■] www.fvap.gov/citizen-voter |
56 | [■] sos.iowa.gov/elections/voterinformation/voterregistration.html |
57 | [■] www.kdor.ks.gov/apps/voterreg/ |
58 | [■] www.sos.la.gov/electionsandvot...s/onlinevoterregistration.aspx |
59 | [■] www.sos.mo.gov/elections/govotemissouri/register |
60 | [■] www.eac.gov/voter_resources/contact_your_state.aspx |
61 | [■] www.elections.state.md.us/voter_registration/ |
62 | [■] olvr.sec.state.vt.us/ |
63 | [■] indianavoters.in.gov/publicsite/ovr/introduction.aspx |
64 | [■] ovr.sos.wv.gov/ |
65 | [■] www.browardsoe.org/register-to-vote/how-to-register |
66 | [■] www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ |
67 | [■] www.vote411.org/register |
68 | [■] www.cookcountyclerk.com/elections/registertovote/ |
69 | [■] www.bustle.com/articles/186167...sidential-election-in-november |
70 | [■] www.gab.wi.gov/voters/first-time |
71 | [■] www.ktvb.com/news/politics/ele...can-register-to-vote/326343964 |
72 | [■] www.ok.gov/elections/voter_info/register_to_vote/ |
73 | [■] voter.njsvrs.com/publicaccess/...rvlet?userprocess=publicsearch |
74 | [■] www.register.gop/ |
75 | [■] vote.nyc.ny.us/html/voters/voters.shtml |
76 | [■] www.scvotes.org/south_carolina_voter_registration_information |
77 | [■] webapps.sos.state.mi.us/ |
78 | [■] www.chicagoelections.com/en/re...to-vote-change-of-address.html |
79 | [■] www.state.nj.us/state/elections/voting-information.html |
80 | [■] www.acgov.org/rov/registration.htm |
81 | [■] www.lp.org/action/register-to-vote |
82 | [■] www.indianavoters.com/ |
83 | [■] www.votebrevard.com/voter-information/register-to-vote |
84 | [■] sos.mt.gov/elections/vote/index.asp |
85 | [■] www.shelbyvote.com/index.aspx?nid=78 |
86 | [■] soswy.state.wy.us/elections/registeringtovote.aspx |
87 | [■] www.sos.ms.gov/elections-votin...-registration-information.aspx |
88 | [■] www.dallascountyvotes.org/voter-information/register-to-vote/ |
89 | [■] www.philadelphiavotes.com/en/voters/registering-to-vote |
90 | [■] nationalvoterregistrationday.org/register-to-vote/ |
91 | [■] www.votehillsborough.org/about-voting/registering-to-vote |
92 | [■] sdsos.gov/elections-voting/voting/register-to-vote/default.aspx |
93 | [■] elect.ky.gov/registertovote/pages/default.aspx |
94 | [■] www.elections.saccounty.net/vo...rmation/pages/registering.aspx |
95 | [■] sos.nh.gov/voterregfaq.aspx |
96 | [■] www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/voter-info/voterguide.html |
97 | [■] vote.franklincountyohio.gov/voters/register-to-vote.cfm |
98 | [■] www.dupageco.org/election/voting/37059/ |
99 | [■] heavy.com/news/2016/09/when-is...olling-hours-location-history/ |
100 | [■] voteseminole.org/register-to-vote-update-record/ |