Google-Doodle (USA) Top-100 Übersicht 2016

Im Jahr 2016 gab es in den USA bisher 96 Google-Doodle:

01.01.2016Happy New Year from Google!
09.01.201641st Anniversary of the discovery of the Mountain of the Butterflies Doodle
11.01.2016Alice Paul’s 131st Birthday Doodle
12.01.2016Charles Perrault’s 388th Birthday Doodle
18.01.2016Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2016
18.01.2016Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2016
22.01.2016Wilbur Scoville’s 151st Birthday Doodle
26.01.201690th Anniversary of the first demonstration of Television
01.02.2016Celebrating Frederick Douglass
08.02.2016Lunar New Year 2016
14.02.2016Valentine's Day 2016
29.02.2016Leap Year 2016
08.03.2016Happy International Women's Day! #OneDayIWill
09.03.2016Clara Rockmore's 105th Birthday Doodle
17.03.2016St. Patrick's Day 2016
20.03.2016First Day of Spring 2016
21.03.2016Doodle 4 Google 2015/2016 - "My Afrocentric Life" by Akilah Johnson, Washington, DC
22.03.2016Doodle 4 Google 2015/2016 - "My Afrocentric Life" by Akilah Johnson, Washington, DC
06.04.2016120th Anniversary of First Modern Olympic Games
07.04.2016Pandit Ravi Shankar’s 96th birthday
21.04.2016A #GoogleDoodle 4 Prince (1958-2016)
22.04.2016Earth Day 2016
23.04.2016Celebrating William Shakespeare
28.04.2016Hertha Marks Ayrton’s 162nd birthday
30.04.2016Claude Shannon's 100th birthday
03.05.2016Happy Teacher's Day 2016!
04.05.2016Jane Jacobs’ 100th Birthday
06.05.2016Sigmund Freud's 160th Birthday
08.05.2016Happy Mother's Day!
19.05.2016Yuri Kochiyama's 95th Birthday
25.05.2016Rosario Castellanos’ 91st birthday
26.05.2016Frankie Manning's 102nd birthday
02.06.2016Lotte Reiniger’s 117th birthday
03.06.2016The Copa América Centenario begins!
09.06.2016Phoebe Snetsinger’s 85th birthday
19.06.2016Happy Father's Day!
21.06.2016Hello Summer Solstice & Strawberry Moon!
04.07.2016Happy Fourth of July!
05.07.2016Juno reaches Jupiter!
07.07.2016Nettie Stevens’ 155th birthday
05.08.2016Day 1 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
06.08.2016Day 2 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
07.08.2016Day 3 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
08.08.2016Day 4 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
09.08.2016Day 5 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
10.08.2016Day 6 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
11.08.2016Day 7 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
12.08.2016Day 8 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
13.08.2016Day 9 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
14.08.2016Day 10 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
15.08.2016Day 11 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
16.08.2016Day 12 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
17.08.2016Day 13 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
18.08.2016Day 14 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
19.08.2016Day 15 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
20.08.2016Day 16 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
21.08.2016Day 17 of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! Find out more at
25.08.2016Celebrating US National Parks
01.09.201637th Anniversary of The Neverending Story's first publishing
05.09.2016Labor Day 2016
07.09.2016Start of the 2016 Paralympics
13.09.2016Yma Sumac’s 94th birthday
13.09.2016Yma Sumac’s 94th birthday
22.09.2016First Day of Fall 2016
23.09.2016Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta (El Santo)’s 99th Birthday
26.09.2016U.S. National Voter Registration Day Reminder!
27.09.2016U.S. National Voter Registration Day Reminder!
27.09.2016Google's 18th Birthday
29.09.2016Ladislao José Biro’s 117th birthday
04.10.2016434th anniversary of the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar
24.10.2016Antoni van Leeuwenhoek’s 384th birthday
30.10.2016Happy Halloween!
31.10.2016Happy Halloween!
01.11.2016Happy Halloween!
02.11.2016Day of the Dead 2016
04.11.2016Walter Cronkite's 100th birthday
04.11.2016Walter Cronkite's 100th birthday
06.11.2016U.S. Elections 2016: Find your polling place!
07.11.2016U.S. Elections 2016: Find your polling place!
08.11.2016U.S. Elections 2016: Find your polling place!
08.11.2016U.S. Elections 2016: Results LIVE
09.11.2016U.S. Elections 2016: Results LIVE
11.11.2016Veterans Day 2016
14.11.2016Sir Frederick Banting's 125th birthday
18.11.2016James Welch's 76th birthday
18.11.2016James Welch's 76th birthday
24.11.2016Happy Thanksgiving 2016!
29.11.2016Louisa May Alcott’s 184th birthday
30.11.2016Jagdish Chandra Bose’s 158th birthday
18.12.2016Steve Biko’s 70th birthday
20.12.2016First day of Winter 2016
23.12.2016'Tis the season!
24.12.2016'Tis the season!
25.12.2016'Tis the season!
29.12.2016Charles Macintosh’s 250th birthday
31.12.2016Happy New Year's Eve from Google!

Hier die Übersicht für 2015.

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